Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
The Shire of Perenjori is committed to facilitating the inclusion of people with disability through the improvement of access to its buildings and facilities, services, events, information and employment. The Shire's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) provides guidance for the Council and the Shire of Perenjori community to become accessible and inclusive to people with disability, their families and carers. It covers seven Outcome Areas: Services and Events, Buildings and Facilities, Accessible Information, Service, Complaints, Consultation and Employment.
The Disability Services Act requires DAIP's to be reviewed at least every five years. The Council updated the Shire's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) in September 2022, another review will be undertaken in 2027. Additionally, the Shire is required to submit an annual progress report to the Disability Services Commission, demonstrating the work undertaken by the Shire to enhance and safeguard access and inclusion within the community. The Shires Disability Access and Inclusion Progress Report 2023/24 was endorsed by Council on 20 June 2024 and submitted to the Disability Services Commission.
The DAIP, along with our Council documents, can be made available to you in alternative formats. If you would like to request an alternative format, please contact our Community Development Officer.
Accessible Facilities
Please see below a list of accessible Shire Facilities and Buildings.
Shire Administration Building
Accessible parking near entrance, automatic doors.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
Perenjori Town Hall
Accessible Parking side entrance, side entrance large double doors.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
The Lodge
Front accessible parking, wide double door entrance.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
Perenjori CRC & Post office
Accessible parking near entrance, automatic doors.
Telephone: (08) 9973 1071
Perenjori Sporting Recreation Centre
Automatic doors and ramp.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
Perenjori Aquatic Centre
Accessible parking near entrance, accessible male and female toilet/shower, ramp into pool.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
Perenjori Public Library
Accessible front parking, automatic front door.
Telephone: (08) 9973 0100
Perenjori Public Toilets
Accessible parking, disabled unisex toilet 24hr access
Perenjori Caravan Park
Disabled unisex toilet.
Telephone: (08) 9973 1193
Perenjori Medical Centre
Parking near entrance, automatic doors.
Telephone: (08) 9973 1031
Latham Community Centre
Ramp access, unisex disabled toilets 24hr access
Resources - Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway offers information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.
Watch welcome videos or visit Welcome to the Disability Gateway for further information.
Improving Access - Your Feedback
Your feedback is essential to informing the Shire of Perenjori about current access and inclusion barriers. If you would like to comment on how you think the Shire could improve access to buildings, facilities or services for everyone, including those with a disability, please contact us.