Local Business Directory 

The Shire of Perenjori encourages members of our community to support our local businesses for increased economic growth throughout the Shire. If you have a business that you would like to advertise on our website, please contact us and your business will be added to our Business Directory.

To add your local business to this list please email details to cdo@perenjori.wa.gov.au.

Business Name Contact Details Service
Bluehill Couriers 

Jeff and Domenica Curtin 

M: 0427 731 118

F: 08 9973 1409

E: bluehillcouriers@bigpond.com 

Road Freight / Courier 
Bush Folk Gift Co.

Stacey Spencer

M: 0497 942 665

E: hello@bushfolkgiftco.com.au

W: www.bushfolkgiftco.com.au

Unique gift boxes from the Wheatbelt and

Mid West

Catua Lake

John Morris 

M: 0429 011 812

P: 08 9973 4131

F: 08 9973 4131

Electronics & Computers

Satellite Dish 

Community Resource Centre 

24 Fowler Street, Perenjori WA 6620 

Monday - Friday, 9AM - 3PM 

P: 08 9973 1071

F: 08 9973 1108

E: crc@perenjoricrc.net.au 

Post Office 

Community Resource Centre 

Creedence Contracting 

Steve and Narelle King 

M (Steve): 0427 731 233

M (Narelle): 0427 731 238

P: 08 9973 1111

E: creedance.contracting@bigpond.com

Mine Maintenance 
Daphne's Timeless Treats 

Kelly Holland

24 Fowler Street, Perenjori WA 6620

P: 0428 726 366

E: daphnestimelesstreats@yahoo.com


Food Van



Candy Noordhof 

Tuesday & Thursday Mornings (contact for appointment times) 

M: 0429 224 991

JMH Mechanical Services

Jaydon Hirst 

Wubin Mullewa Hwy 

M: 0488 648 3700

P: 08 9973 1745

E: jhirst@jmhmechanical.com.au 

Mechanical Services
Kings WA Pty Ltd

Andrew King

M: 0467 628 002 

E: andy@kingsce.com 

Leopold Contracting 

Adam Leopold 

M: 0429 051 969

P: 08 9973 1182

F: 08 9973 1182

Mine maintenance 
Mid-West Diesel

Tristan & Jess Cole

M: 0419 129 129

E: midwestdiesel@outlook.com.au

Mobile diesel mechanic

Milloy, DS and SA

Scott Milloy 

M: 0427 013 489

P: 08 9971 5021

F: 08 9971 5018


Tipper truck contracting 

Oakstar Asset Pty Ltd

Terry McGlew and Gaylea Dawson 

M (Terry): 0427 005 388

M (Gaylea): 0427 271 947

P: 08 9973 1170

F: 08 9973 1107

E: oakstarasset@bigpond.com

Premix Concrete - Supplied and Installed

NATA Certified Concrete Testing 

Native Shack

Rachel Thompson

M: 0497 856 675

E: rachel_tho@hotmail.co.uk

Locally made candles and diffusers

Perenjori Caravan Park 

M: 0488 731 100

P: 08 9973 1193

E: cp@perenjori.wa.gov.au 

Perenjori Hotel 

Kirk and Jim Pohl

Lot 9 Fowler Street, Perenjori 

P: 08 9973 1020

F: 08 9973 1090




Dining and Restaurant 

Perenjori Seed Cleaners

Jarren Richardson 

M: 0428 731 187

P: 08 9973 1187

Agricultural Services
Peter Egan Carpentry

Peter Egan

M: 0488 241 214

E: peteregan76@yahoo.com.au

PJC Services & Co.

Peter Counsel

M: 0401 215 000

E: pjcservicesandco@gmail.com

Plumbing Services

Leah Watkins

Wubin, Mullewa Road, Perenjori 6620

P: 08 9973 1593

E: leahwatkins3@outlook.com  

Roadhouse and Catering
Rodney King Tyres 

Rodney King 

M: 0488 734 032

Tyre Sales and Service
Western Rural Earthmoving

Marcus and Ken Davies 

M: 0458 243 253

P: 08 9661 1888

F: 08 9661 2880

J's Hardware, Gifts & Accommodation 

Janice Gellatly 

40 Fowler Street, Perenjori WA 6620

M: 0403 370 750

P: 08 99 731 953

E: jshardwareperenjori@gmail.com

Hardware & Gifts

Pre-loved clothes & books

Short-term accommodation