FOI Application

Is this application on behalf of an organisation?*This field is required.
Details of Request*This field is required.

Document Name 

Start Date

End Date

Personal Information of Third Parties and Prescribed Details of Government Officers

Please Note: deleting all personal information and/or prescribed details (such as names, positions, titles, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and signatures) means that the Shire of Perenjori may not need to consult with those third-parties which will mean your application will most likely be dealt with quicker. However, consultation with third parties may still be necessary in relation to any commercial/business information contained in the requested documents.

I consent to all “Personal Information” of third parties being deleted from the requested documents.*This field is required.
I consent to all “Prescribed details” of agency/government officers being deleted from requested document/s.*This field is required.

How do you wish to access these documents?


Fees and Charges

No fees or charges apply for access to personal information or the amendment of personal information. Applications for other documents (i.e. non personal documents) require a $33 application fee to be paid when the application is lodged.

Please ensure you include your $33application fee and you understand that before you obtain access to documents you may be required to pay processing charges in respect of your application. An estimate of charges will be provided in advance should these charges exceed $25

  • FOI Photocopies are charged at $0.22 (22cents) per A4 copy
  • FOI Labour in Processing an Application is charged at $44.00 per hour.
  • FOI Labour for Supervising Access to documents is charged at $66.00 per hour.
  • FOI Labour in photocopying documents is charged at $44.00 per hour.
  • Information approved for release can be made available in an electronic form (PDF) to reduce costs.
  • Fees do not apply for personal information, only or for internal and external reviews
  • Additional charges will be waived or reduced if the applicant can prove impecunious status.

Additional Information

    • Please provide sufficient information to enable the correct document/s to be identified.
    • You may be required to prove your identity.
    • If you are seeking access to a document/s on behalf of another person, Council will require a written, signed and dated statement of authority from that other person.
    • Your application will be dealt with as soon as practicable (and, in any case, within 45 days) after it is received subject to confirmation that the applicant wishes to proceed with the estimated charges.
    • The Freedom of Information Act is available to download for free from the State Law Publisher at
    • Further information can be obtained from Council’s Chief Executive Officer.

If you are lodging an application on behalf of another person, you must provide authorisation in the form of a letter signedby that person.


I have read the shire of Perenjori’s Freedom of Information Procedures and understand that some requested information may not be available (as stipulated under the Freedom Of Information Act 1992).
